Players that reach level 39 can duel other players
for a chance to win daily rewards.
You can play this game by clicking
the RANKING sign in Wolf Village or The City of Gold.
Players can only challenge the 10 higher opponents ranked above them.
If you are not ranked, you must challenge the bottom 10 opponents on the Leaderboard
Each Challenge has up to 3 Rounds.
A round lasts up to 5 minutes each.
To win a round, one player must knock out the other player.
If no one is knocked out within 5 minutes, the challenger will lose that round.
To win a challenge, one player must win 2 rounds.
Challenge winners take the rank of their opponent and gets one free challenge.
Players can not use pets, mounts, or HP / MP in challenges.
Players can only fight one challenge at a time.
If you are being challenged by another player, you can not challenge another player.
If you lose a challenge, you must pay 1 GEM to challenge again
Leaderboard can be found in Wolf Village (List PK - Top PK)
Leaderboard will update daily from 21:00 - 24:00 (UTC - 6)
- Special daily rewards are given to KO Leaders
- Leaderboard will be reset every day after daily rewards are distributed.
- Top Leaders must wait 3 days to join leaderboard again.
- Leaderboard will freeze 10 minutes before the rewards are distributed.
- Defeated knights must wait 2 minutes to re-challenge an opponent that just beat them.
- Knights that do not join KO Challenge within 7 days, will be kicked off Leaderboard.
- For best results, it is recommended you participate throughout the day.
Top Knight : 100 GEMS
Rank 2-9 : 20 GEMS
Rank 10 - 100 : 4 GEMS
Rank 101 - 1000 : 1 GEMS