The Princess is lost and the King is giving big rewards
to anyone that can bring her back.
- This game is in Zone 3 and 4
- Players must wear Son Tinh or Thuy Tinh armor
- Princess will be randomly placed somewhere in the Kingdom.
- Players only have 15 minutes to save the Princess or she will leave you.
- Rivals and bosses will attack players trying to steal the Princess back
- Players do not need to PK ON or wear flags to battle
- Only the player that returns the Princess to the King gets the reward
- If the Princess loses her health, she may leave you.
- King will be at Wolf Prairie, Sandy Graveyard and Red Flower Forest.
- After Princess is saved, she will randomly reappear somewhere in the Kingdom.
- Players will earn random rewards for each rescue.
- Players with TOP RESCUES can earn bonus rewards
Top 5 Rescuers for this event will earn the following special rewards:
Top 1: 1 Class Skill Book (unlock) + 10x 3 color stones + 100 Express tickets + 50 bones
Top 2: 10x 3 color stones + 100 Express tickets + 50 bones
Top 3: 5x 3 color stones + 50 Express tickets + 50 bones
Top 4: 3x 3 color stones + 50 Express tickets + 20 bones
Top 5: 1x 3 color stones + 50 Express tickets + 20 bones